I am trying to prinf a PDF report using Infragistics but I cant find Infragistics.Documents.Report.Section dll. I knew that we need to use two dll for this purpose (In win forms c#)
first -Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.DocumentExport and another -Infragistics.Documents.Report.Section;
But in my library folder second dll is not present. I am using version 8.1 and I dont want to upgrade the version. Code which I will be using for that purpose is writter below:
public static bool ExportGrid()
// Create a new report
Report report =
new Report();
// Export the grid into the report. This will automatically create a new
// section in the report.
ISection section =
this.ultraGridDocumentExporter1.Export(this.ultraGrid1, report);
// Publish the report.
"grid.pdf", FileFormat.PDF);
Please let me know how can I get the dll and generate pdf using dataset/datatable.
Thanks in Advance.
Vivek Mahawar
Hello Vivek,
if you want to export your grid in PDF file, then you could use only this.ultraGridDocumentExporter1, but if you want to export your gird together with additional data, images and so on, then you should use our Report.
To be able to use our Report, you should add in Reference folder (using Add References from context menu) of your project - Infragistics2.Documents.v8.1.dll
Let me know if you have any questions.