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Webtab/ContentTabItem and prompting user that they have unsaved data before submitting.

Two questions in one really. I have a webtab on the page.  On one of the tabs there is a ContentTabItem with DetailsView with Edit and Insert templates for various fields. There is a CommandField with Insert, Edit, Update and Cancel buttons.  There is a separate button on the page to submit all data to the database.

How can I 

a) Notify user if they have edited/inserted data in the contenttabitem using the commandfield buttons but haven't yet clicked the save/update/cancel commandfield button there to either discard or commit it to the objectdatasource the detailsview is bound to?

b) Automatically click the update button for them/commit their edit and continue on to my server side submission code afterward?

I hope that is clear.

Regards and thanks in advance.

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