This is tough to explain.
When I click an ExplorerBarItem, the entire WebExplorerBar control shifts to the left briefly (while the postback is happening) and then repositions itself to how it should be.
I think I know what's happening: The width it shifts to the left looks like the width of the scrollbar, but you don't actually see a scrollbar. In other words, I think the scrollbar is pushing the content to the left briefly while it tries to determine if it needs a scrollbar. But on the postback I'm rebuilding the contents of the WebExplorerBar, so it goes away.
I'm trying to stop this from happening.
Another example is when you click on a disabled ExplorerBarItem; the push to the left happens but it stays in that state because there's no postback. From this we know it's client-side behavior.
I'm using NetAdvantage, Version=13.1.20131.2157
Is this possible? Any help appreciated.
Hell sdl,
Thank you for posting in our community.
I created a small sample, following the steps that you provided but I was unable to reproduce the behavior that you are describing. I am using version 13.1.20131.2157.
Please note that this is not the latest service release for version 13.1. What I can suggest is downloading the latest service release available, which currently is 13.1.20131.2331. This could be achieved by following these steps:
1) Go to our web site and log with your account.
2) Click Support/Account in the top right corner of the page
3) You will see Welcome, [Your name] on the top of the menu that will appear. Click on the Welcome word.
4) This will lead you to My Keys&Downloads section. Select your product from the list
Under the Service Releases tab you will find the latest service release available for download.
Please test this with the latest version and let me know what us the result.
I tested my sample with latest version of Chrome, Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox browsers.
I am attaching my sample for your reference. Please test this sample on your side. Whether or not it works correctly may help indicate the nature of this issue.
If this is not an accurate demonstration of what you are trying to achieve please feel free to modify my sample, in order to reproduce the issue, and send it back to me.
I hope you find this information helpful.
Please let me know if you need any further assistance with this matter.
I'm updating my reply because I've discovered some things.
It turns out that when I upgraded to the latest service release it fixed some of the problems. I no longer see the shift to the left as described in my original post.
Run the attached sample and click on the top-level ExplorerBarGroup nodes (don't click on the ExplorerBarItems as the urls won't exist and you'll get an error).
There isn't an exact pattern as to when the scrollbar shows, but it does show when you click Payments or Other Taxes and Contributions (but not every time you click it).
The scrollbar doesn't show up all the time.
I would like more help with this matter, please.
I think your example works because it is simple.
I upgraded to the latest service release as you suggested and still experience this problem.
I've created a sample standalone project that you can run to see the problem. I've attached it.
Update: I just discovered that this seems to happen only in Chrome. I'm trying it in IE 11 and can't seem to see the problem. My solution needs to work in Firefox, Chrome and IE.
Thanks for helping me with this.
Hello Steven,
Thank you for getting back to me.
I tested your sample and I was able to reproduce the behavior that you are describing.
I made a web site, instead of project and I used the very same code that you provided. On my side when I run the web site in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer everything is working as expected. I am attaching this web site for your reference.
Could you please test it on your PC and let me know whether this issue is reproducible on your side. This may help indicate the root cause of this behavior.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions regarding this matter.
Hello sdl,
Please let me know if you need any further information.
Thanks for your help, but we've decided not to use this control in our solution.
So I'd like to close this topic.
Thanks again.
Thank you for keeping me posted on your progress with this issue.
I tested the sample that you initially provided with Internet Explorer 11 under Internet Explorer 10, 9 and 8 modes. On my side everything was working as expected.
Afterwards, I tried the provided sample in native Internet Explorer 10 and 9 where I was not able to reproduce the scrollbar issue as well.
I made a video and I am attaching it for your reference.
The only thing that I added to your sample project is the ig_res folder that contains all the styles that are applied to the control as well.
Please try running the attached sample in your environment and let me know what is the result of your test.
Even more feedback...
For what it's worth, I installed the latest version, the 14.2.20142.1028 trial, hoping that the problem might go away. It didn't. Same behavior.
Let me sum up where I stand on this:
The scrollbar flickering I can probably live with. It's the other scrollbar problem that's worse. I stated this above, but I'll state it again here:
When using IE 8, 9 and 10, a scrollbar is displayed. It's seems to be disabled--and it clearly shouldn't be there.
In Chrome, Firefox and IE 11 no scrollbar appears (correct behavior). It's easy to duplicate if all you have is IE 11: just add your test site via Compatibility View Settings.
This is my big outstanding problem right now.
More feedback...
I know why your sample is rendering the WebExplorerBar twice: it's because of the Page_Init that rebuilds it on every postback. You can solve this by setting EnableViewState="false".
But still there is another problem--and it may help give insight into the solution. In your sample, every click on an ExplorerBarGroup causes a postback. In my sample, it does not. This is probably why the problem does not show itself in your sample project.
In my original sample, each click on an ExplorerBarGroup did not cause a postback. This is by design. I did this by not supplying a url to the ExplorerBarGroup, and it seems to work well. Perhaps there is another setting I am supposed to use to accomplish this behavior, maybe I'm doing it wrong?