Hello everyone -
I am having problems referencing a webdialogwindow from client side BLOCKED SCRIPT
function uwg_Forecast_CellClickHandler(gridName, cellId, button){
var x = document.form1.htmltxt_X.value;
var y = document.form1.htmltxt_Y.value;
var dialog = $find('<%= wdw_History.ClientID %>');
webDialogWindow.set_windowState($IG.DialogWindowState.Hidden, false);
I am getting the js error object does not support this Property or method on dialog.setleft.
x and y are populated with numeric values. Any incite would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks -
This code does not trigger an error but doesn't position the dialog window:
alert("y: " + y);
document.getElementById('<%= wdw_History.ClientID %>').setAttribute("Left", x);
// dialog.setTop(y);
//webDialogWindow.set_windowState($IG.DialogWindowState.Hidden, false);
This does not seem to a known issue. Also, I did not have the issue when testing a dialog window in a tab in my 2008 Volume 2 sample. I would recommend that you submit a support issue with the errand page so they can look into that for you.
Just as an FYI, the left property, as well as the setLocation method are both documented here:
Because of how the ASP.NET AJAX library and our doc generation tool work it can be a bit confusing to document. JavaScript obviously does not understand what a "property" is in the same way as .NET does, so the AJAX library it fakes it the old Java way by making us provide Getter and Setter functions. Interesting enough if you look at the IL for .NET, its actually doing the same thing under the covers...but the languages hide that away from us.
Anyway...our documentation tool there is a property called left that we expose, but in actuality, to use that property you have to call its getter and/or setter function (which the docs do actually show in heir syntax samples).
Also JavaScript has no concept of access modifiers (public/private/protected) so the convention is to prefix anything that is private with an underscore. So if you go spelunking through our code, you will probably see methods that start with _....consider those private and use of those directly in your code is unsupported by us.
Just wanted to clarify this in case anyone was concerned about using those two members.
Sung Kim"] Have you checked the rendered id from the contents of <%=%>? Is it the same as the hardcoded value you are using now as a workaround?
Have you checked the rendered id from the contents of <%=%>? Is it the same as the hardcoded value you are using now as a workaround?
That was the first thing I checked and it is the same value. All the other controls on the page maintain their style... Just the containing tab control is affected.
The set_left method does not seem to be documented as it may be for internal use just as the setLocation method of the DialogMoveBehavior object seems to be. I was able to find this method by doing a watch on the dialog object while debugging and just noticed that ur casing was off on one of the letters.
For your other issue, I would think that the reason the tab style not being loaded would be due to some error when trying to access the object. Have you checked the rendered id from the contents of <%=%>? Is it the same as the hardcoded value you are using now as a workaround?
I have found a work around:
I grabbed the client side id manually by viewing the source of the page:
var dialog = $find('uwt_Nav__ctl2_wdw_History');
Why does the tab style get lost when using:
var dialog = $find('<%= wdw_History.ClientID %>'); ?