Hi there,
Im using the webHTMLeditor to create the content for a report. But the TAB tag is not recognized in the report. So i replace it for white spaces, but ihave the problem that those aren't recognized at the start of the line either. So i thought in enter a white dot before a the white spaces. dor that i created a function in javascript that do that but the problem is that i can not style the dot to be white, it allways appears in black.
Can someone help me?
here is the function that i create:
function WebHtmlEditor1_KeyDown(oEditor, keyCode, oEvent) {
if (keyCode == 9) { var point = document.createElement("SPAN"); var object = document.createElement("SPAN");
var style = point.style; style.fontColor = "white"; console.log(style); point.innerHTML = '<span style="color:white">.</span>'; object.innerHTML = " ";
console.log(object); iged_insText(point.outerHTML); iged_insText(object.innerText, false); oEvent.cancel = true; } }
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I have done some looking into this matter and have the following information. What you can do is create the item as a bulleted list (i.e. an unordered list) and the style the li element then have an span in the li that will have the text color, for example:
<ul> <li style="color: white;"><span style="color: black;">Item 1</span></li> </ul>
<li style="color: white;"><span style="color: black;">Item 1</span></li>
What this will do is make the dot white and the text black.
Please let me know if you have any further questions concerning this matter.
And you can tell me how can i define the dot as white in the button properties??
I couldn't see where to define that.
and by the way, thank you for the help :D
Thank you for the update. To style the il/bullet you will have to style that manually. To style the text you can highlight the text and press the “A” Font Color button on the toolbar. As another option have you tried using the Increase Indent button on the toolbar? It has an arrow pointing right with what looks like some text after it.