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htmlEditor not working in IE11

Hi, I recently found this issue when I upgraded my IE 10 to IE 11.

None of the editor buttons are working in IE 11. They all work as expected in IE 10 and below, and other browsers.

When I debugged and saw, found the following code in infragistics.ui.htmleditor.js

_execCommand: function (name, args) {
this._selectionWrapperSaved.execCommand(name.toLowerCase(), args);

After some searching I found the following link quite helpful - Click here. It seems that execCommand() is not supported in IE11. Any idea how this can be fixed ?

Please provide me the solution ASAP. I am in a real hurry.

Here is a sample to illustrate execCommand() not working in IE 11.

Copy the following URL and open the same in chrome and IE11. It works perfectly in chrome.


Here is a sample of how I am loading in my application. Its a MVC project - 

<script src="@Url.Content("~/js/infra/infragistics.loader.js")" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

scriptPath: "@Url.Content("URL for infragistics js")",
cssPath: "@Url.Content("URL for infragistics css")",
resources: "igHtmlEditor"

$.ig.loader(function () {

$("div[id^='Message']").each(function () {
$('iframe').contents().find("head").append($("<style type='text/css'> body.non-translated-text { color: lightgray;} </style>"));
$(this).igHtmlEditor({ inputName: $(this).attr('id'), width: "auto", height: "auto", showInsertObjectToolbar: false, showCopyPasteToolbar: false, showFormattingToolbar: false });
$(this).find("div[title='View Source']").hide();
$(this).igHtmlEditor("setContent", "Test message", "html");


I am using version 2013 volums 2.

  • 20255
    Offline posted


    Thank you for reporting this!

    Could you please let me know what is your exact product version? I am asking because we had a similar issue which is resolved now in the latest versions of 13.2, 14.1 and 14.2.

    It is recommended to always use the latest version of our product. For example now the latest version is 13.2.20132.2417.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

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