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WebTab's SelectedIndexChanged event not Firing.


I have added a webTab in my ascx page (GLPolicyTab.ascx)and it is inherited from another ascx page (TabManage.ascx).

And I want to hit both the ascx's Selectedindex change event but I am not able to achieve it .

Please can you help me solve this issue.

I have also attached the sample application.

GlPolicyTab.ascx Inherits from TabManager


Main page.aspx where we are loading the GLpolicyTab.ascx.

Thanks in Advance

Vijay Sawant
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  • 18204
    Offline posted

    Hello Vijay Sawant,


    Thank you for posting in our forums!

    Thank you for providing a sample.  After looking through the code, I realized you are changing the IDs of the controls in GLPolicyTab's OnInit event (BaseTabControl.ID = "TabCtrl" and Me.ID = "GlPolicyTab"), which was somehow preventing the events from wiring up and firing correctly for me.  After commenting these two lines out, both events were firing for me.

    Alternatively, since you are inheriting from TabManager, you could call MyBase.BaseTabControl_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e) after changing the Sub to Protected.

    If you have any further questions or concerns with this, please let me know.

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