Hi ,
How to enable merging on ad default sorted column on initial load.I have defined all the behavior for sorting and set Merging enabled for the column as well as for the behavior.
Merging works only if sort by clicking on the column but i have set the default column sorted through the code behind on databind. But that's seems no effect on the merging.
Is the merge only works though the UI click sort not if we sort the column through code behind.
I am looking forward to your reply.
I couldn't reproduce the issue that you've described. Could you please let me know what is your exact product version and under which browser this issue appears.
Providing this information will help me to modify my sample as closest as possible to your scenario and investigate the issue further for you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Yes.I know mergin possible throgh sorting only...But my question is why merging is not working if sorts the column in code behind.
Scenario is like this , when i initially loads the page i have sorted my fist column though code behind .
uwgTransfers.Behaviors.Sorting.SortedColumns.Add("StockGroup", Infragistics.Web.UI.SortDirection.Ascending)
But this only sorts the column not merging the data.
if i directly click on the column from UI again both sorting and merging works.Why its not merging if sort through code behind.
Thank you for contacting us.
About your question, there isn’t a cell merging option in the WebDataGrid except, as you've noticed, the one for the sorting behavior.
My suggestion is to have a look at the following threads where my colleague Maya is proposing a possible solution: