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infragistic upgrade from V13.2 to 15.1
Hi, We have already migrated our web pages and controls from infragistic 11.1 to 13.2, could you please help me in guiding that can we upgrade to 15.1 using infragistic upgrade tool (without any code changes) ? Is there any significant difference between 13.2 controls vs 15.1 controls?
  • 540

    Hi Parikshit,

      The upgrade from 13.2 to 15.1 should be straightforward using the Infragistics utility tool. The main difference are mainly product stability and usability improvements, some new features like row editing updates and brand new modern default theme.
      If you have installed the product via the platform installer you should have the Infagistics utility tool. But if you don’t have it, it can be downloaded when logged in on our site and then you have to open the “support/account” menu on top of the page and select “View account info” from “My account” menu. “My keys & downloads” page should load and there you can select your registered products. Select the 15.1 product and from “Product & bundles” download and install “Infragistics ulility tool”.
      To upgrade you should have already installed 15.1, then run the Infragistics utility tool and select Solution/Project/Website then find the desired one. Then click “Upgrade to latest”. You should be done now.

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