I recently upgraded my Infragistics (Infragistics_Ultimate_20151_WithSamplesAndHelp.zip), so I am using Infragistics45.WebUI.WebHtmlEditor.v15.1.dll and Infragistics45.WebUI.Shared.v15.1.dll.
The rich text editor works great in IE11 and Firefox, but when I try and use IE10 I get a SCRIPT5: Access is denied and the user can't input anything into the textbox.
In Developer Tools (where I see "SCRIPT5: Access is denied.") it points to
o._cDoc=function(){return this._elem.contentDocument;}
function iged_init_moz(ids, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, div)
Any idea what's going on?
Maybe this is the issue...
Currently (in production) we are running fine with IE10 and when I View Source I see this:
IE10 (prod, old infragistics) is using this: |||#C1D2EE||','/ig_common/Images/htmleditor/dropdown.gif|/ig_common/Images/htmleditor/dropdown_over.gif|/ig_common/Images/htmleditor/dropdown_down.gif|#316AC5
And in development with the new Infragistics I see this:
IE10 (dev, new infragistics) is using this: |||#C1D2EE||','../webcontrols/ig_common/Images/htmleditor/dropdown.gif|../webcontrols/ig_common/Images/htmleditor/dropdown_over.gif|../webcontrols/ig_common/Images/html
Could the issue be with the image reference location?
Hello Matt,
Thank you for using our community.
Let me repeat your question, so that I can be sure that I understand your it correctly. You have upgraded to 15.1 version of our controls (could you tell me the exact version you are using?) and when you run your project under IE 10 an error accurse.
I have created a simple sample with only one WebHtmlEditor and it is working fine under IE 10. What is more the references are automatically added to your project when you drag the control to the form. And if you go to design mode in VS you will automatically load the styles for the WebHtmlEditor (including the images). The styles path might be different from the old versions of the controls that you were using.
Please give me information about the exact version of the controls you are using (ex are you using the latest service release?) and if possible send me a working sample so I can further investigate your case.
I was comparing IE 10, IE 11, and Firefox debuggers.
This is where it errors out in IE 10: ScriptResource.axd -> function iged_init_moz -> o._cDoc=function(){return this._elem.contentDocument;}
IE 11 and Firefox skip the following section in function iged_init_moz, but IE 10 does not:
/* IE11+[browserMode=IE7]+[documentMode=11/Edge]: find DIV-editor and replace it by IFRAME */
if (div)
div = elem;
divStyle = div.style;
elem = document.createElement("IFRAME");
elem.width = elem.height = "100%";
elem.frameBorder = "0";
div = div.parentNode;
td = div.parentNode;
elem.id = ids[1];
td.insertBefore(elem, td.firstChild);
Something in the above "if" seems to be causing this line "o._cDoc=function(){return this._elem.contentDocument;}" to throw the SCRIPT5 error.
What do I need to do to be able to modify one of your javascript files?
In previous downloads we got the javascripts in the CLR...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2013.1\ASP.NET\CLR4.5\Scripts
I have researched your issue and here is what I found:
I suggest you to consider this options and see whether they solve your issue. As you are using the last Service Release of the 15.1 the JS files should be up to date and what is more I don’t believe that will help you solve the issue. Please take a look at the provided suggestions and let me know how they work for you.
Finally got to the bottom of this. There was an old meta compatibility tag in the master page that was causing me the grief. Sorry for the wild goose chase, Marina.
Thank you for your reply. Glad you were able to resolve the issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions regarding this matter.