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WebDataGrid show vertical scrollbar when it isn't necessary

I'm using Infragistics 15.2, html5 and asp .NET.

I have the next issue, I built a page with two parts, a div with a legend and a div with a WebDataGrid. I only want show the horizontal scrollbar (if it is necessary) and when the rows exceed the visible zone browser i want to use the horizontal scrollbar browser. In all the tests the last row in the WebDataGrid isn't show completed and appear the vertical scrollbar.

I had tried to put height to 100%, change the overflow properties and other tests but i don't get it.

This is the design code:

<form id="form1" runat="server">

<div style="height:30px;background-color:#cccccc;padding-top:10px;" class="leyenda">

<address>* <strong>FCL</strong> = Contenedor Completo <strong>LCL</strong> = Grupaje</address>


<ig:WebDataMenu ID="ContextMenu" runat="server" IsContextMenu="True" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="#CCCCCC">

<ClientEvents ItemClick="MenuItem_Click" />


<ig:DataMenuItem Text="Exportar" Key="Exportar" ImageUrl="~/images/16_excel.gif" ></ig:DataMenuItem>



<div id="DataGridWrapper" style="height:100%;">

<ig:WebExcelExporter runat="server" ID="eExporter" ExportMode="Download" DataExportMode="AllDataInDataSource"/>

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnableScriptGlobalization="true"></asp:ScriptManager>

<ig:WebDataGrid ID="WDGridExpediciones" Visible="true" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="100%" style="overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden" AutoGenerateColumns="False" EnableAjax="False" OnInitializeRow="WDGridExpediciones_InitializeRow" OnLoad="WDGridExpediciones_Load">

<ClientEvents MouseDown="GridMouseDown" Initialize="dtInit"/>


<ig:Activation Enabled="true" />

<ig:Selection RowSelectType="Multiple" CellClickAction="Row" Enabled="true" />

<ig:Sorting SortingMode="Multi" Enabled="true"/>

<ig:Filtering Alignment="Top" Visibility="Visible" Enabled="true" FilterType="ExcelStyleFilter">


<ig:ColumnFilteringSetting ColumnKey="Key_coclie" Enabled="false" />

<ig:ColumnFilteringSetting ColumnKey="Key_operacion" Enabled="false" /> 





<div style="text-align: center;">

<span>"No hay datos a mostrar"</span>

<br />






 Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance.

José Miguel