Hi Everyone
just been playing around but cant seem to find any way to hook the WebDropDown to a web service on the client side like the ajaxtoolkit autocompleteextender see link and example below:
<AjaxToolKit:AutoCompleteExtender ServiceMethod="ExampleMethod" ServicePath="~/AutoComplete.asmx" MinimumPrefixLength="1" CompletionInterval="10" TargetControlID="txtbxExample" ID="AutoCompleteExtender1" runat="server"> </AjaxToolKit:AutoCompleteExtender>
i would want the WebDropDown to populate after a number of characters had been entered unlike the example given by infragistics which binds on the server side see link below:
i would also want to group the items if possible
any help would be appreciated
If you need further assistance on this, contact me. I hope you like the sample that I've send you.
Thank you for your post.
As I understand you want to retrieve some data from a WebService and bind it on the client.
I have create you a sample in order to show you this approach, although my data is a static json. You will need to set EnableClientRendering to true and to perform some other changes, for more information see the code snippet below:
Also I am using jquery template to set the items as you desired.
Useful references:
If you need further assistance on this matter contact me.
just noticed that there was a answers saying this would be coming that was in 2009 see link below