I am having an issue after upgrading my Xcode version to 7.0.1 yesterday (Yosemite 10.10.5). My project will no longer build and I am getting an error stating: "No such module 'IGChart'". I am running NUCLiOS 2015 Volume 1 SR 174 which was released on 9/10/2015. My project was building fine in Xcode 7.0. So far I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling NUCLiOS since the upgrade of Xcode. I have removed and re-added the IGChart.Framework multiple times. I have cleared out the Framework Search Paths variable and disabled the Bitcode setting. I have also tried creating a brand new single page application, added in the IGChart.Framework, added the import IGChart line to the view controller and tried to build but get the same result. Any other things I can try? Does there need to be a new service release of NUCLiOS?
Further info: Deployment target = 9.0Devices = iPad
Full path and quotes was the trick! Thank you!
Oh, one more thing.
One of my colleagues pointed out to me that you now need to wrap the frameworks in quotes, otherwise it gets split up.
"/Developer/Infragistics/NUCLiOS 2015 Volume 1/Framework"
So try that instead.
Hi Michael,
I thought the shortened path might work, but i guess not.
Can you try this for your Framework search path: (If you're using a different version then 15.1 then make sure you update the path accordingly)
/Developer/Infragistics/NUCLiOS 2015 Volume 1/Framework
Also, please verify that the IGChart.framework is in this directory.
Let me know if this works,
Thanks for the quick response Stephen!
I went in to my simple test project and added the Framework Search Paths value as you showed in your screen shot but the result was still the same. I then uninstalled Xcode 7.0.1 and downloaded 7.0 and reinstalled it. Uninstalled NUCLiOS and reinstalled it too after the Xcode install. Rebooted the machine, opened the project, removed the reference to IGChart.framework, did a project clean, added a new reference to IGChart.framework, double-checked the bitcode and search paths values and tried to build. I still get the same error. I'm really not sure what else I can do to try and solve this issue.
Xcode 7 has a bug, where if you add Frameworks to your project, it doesn't add the framework search paths. So for now you have to add them manually.
You can point to the install directory of Nuclios.
We will be releasing an SR some time soon with Bitcode enabled, and also our 15.2 version of Nuclios has updated all of API's for support of Swift 2.0 and Obj-c generics.
Hope this helps,