Hello there,
When I first start my app and initialize the Calendar control a couple of strange requests seem to happen. I have included a screenshot with the debug information.
I use the following code to navigate and the asyncAppointmentRequest is called twice with the wrong information.
[_calendar navigateToDate:[NSDate date] forType:IGCalendarViewDisplayTypeWeek];
Even stranger is when I use the following call, the request is done wrong twice but a third time the asyncAppointmentRequest is requested with the correct date.
[_calendar navigateToDate:[NSDate date] forType:IGCalendarViewDisplayTypeDay];
I use the following code to catch the wrong situations in the asyncAppointmentRequest:
NSDateComponents* components = [calendar components:flags fromDate:request.start];if (components.year < 1970) { NSLog(@"Year is really low."); return; }
This fixes the issue in the IGCalendarViewDisplayTypeDay but not the IGCalendarViewDisplayTypeWeek where I see no data.
I you're having problems reproducing this situation please let me know so I can help with this.
The Service Release fixed this issue. Thanks again.
Hey Daan,
Yup, just tried it out, and couldn't reproduce that issue.
The SR should be coming out today, and you'll be notified once it is.
If you're still running into problems though, let me know, and we'll get another fix out to you as soon as possible.
Could you check if your fix also applies to the following situation:
I am in day view, press a refresh button to clear the datasource / invalidate the calendar and get new data from the web service. I see the refreshed data in the current day. Now I tap on the following day and asyncAppointmentRequest is called with the request date 2001-01-01 which is also incorrect.
Thanks again SteveZ for the quick response.
Any chance we can receive a beta version of the SR. This way I can check if all works with my calendar.
Thanks for the report. I was able to reproduce it, and fix it.
We were supposed to release an SR earlier this week, but my coworker who handles this is out sick today. So as soon as he's back, we'll push the SR with this fix as well.