Can IGRangeAreaSeries support unknownValuePlotting?
Also, it would help me if IG supplied an example of how allowCrossingPaths works.
Thank you!
There is currently no support for handling null/nan values. The series will simply connect the two consecutive valid values, skipping over nans.
The way allowCrossingPaths works is basically as follows: By default the range area series will find the min-max for every plotted point and plot all the max values on the high path and the min values on the low path.If you allow these paths to cross, then the series won't bother taking the min-max values and will simply allow the high path to dip below the low path.Once the paths cross their fill doesn't really look any different, since it's still the same fill path. The option of doing this was discussed and ultimately considered to be something outside the scope of the range area series at the time. To do this the series would have to find all of its intersection points and use multiple closed paths.
Here's a pair of range area charts with and without crossing paths.
Can you think of any reason why crossing paths wouldn't work? I've tried both true/false and it isn't allowing the pink range to pinch along those blue lines, which are the same data. The range points are actually manufacturers from those series' points.
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Thank you for using Infragistics
Any word on this?
Thanks, fellas!
Hello Caylan,
We created a bug for you regarding this issue and Max will get to it as soon as he can.
We will get it out to you as soon as we address is.
And note how it doesn't allow the red/blue lines to cross when the button is pressed. The biggest difference is the use of IGHighLowDatePoint.