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IGSideMenuView swallowing tap handler?

I have a UIViewController which shows apples MKMapView.

It has a tap handler on it, which when I long press on the map, it calls ...

-(void)windowTapped:(UIGestureRecognizer*)recognizer my UIViewController.

I'm trying to restructure this UIViewController so that it uses the IGSideMenuView behind the map control, but whatever I've tried, I no longer receive the tap gesture in my UIViewController.

Please see my attached code sample.

In -(void)addMapViewToSelf, my tap handler works perfectly.

In -(void)addMapViewToSideMenuView, the tap handler ceases to work, and I've tried all of these lines, and none makes it work...

[appleMapView addGestureRecognizer:tapRecognizer]

[theSideMenuView addGestureRecognizer:tapRecognizer]

[theSideMenuView.contentView addGestureRecognizer:tapRecognizer]

[self.view addGestureRecognizer:tapRecognizer]

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  • 4940
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    Offline posted

    Hi David,

    I've attached a sample that uses the MKMapView in the contentView of the IGSideMenuView. The side menu is shown/closed when the user taps the hamburger button in the navigation bar. This scenario works best when using a MKMapView that will cover the entire contentView, as the map handles several complex gestures and we don't want to create any strange behavior for the user.
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