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GridView cell gestures

I was looking for a way to use ...

-(IGCellPath *)gridView:(IGGridView *)gridView willSelectCellAtPath:(IGCellPath *)path

-(IGCellPath *)gridView:(IGGridView *)gridView didSelectCellAtPath:(IGCellPath *)path

... for the quick taps, where I would display an editor.

I also wanted to add a long press gesture recognizer for showing a context menu.

I did that by calling IGGridView registerGestures:

But I noticed after adding the long tap through registerGestures, the willSelectCellAtPath and didSelectCellAtPath stopped being called.  So I then had to add a short tap recognizer.

Is this all correct and best practice if I need a short and long tap to be recognized in a cell...  that I need to add them through registerGestures, and not use the willSelect... and didSelect... methods.

