I'd like to know how to prevent X-axis labels from randomly displaying as "..."
The ellipsis can be quite annoying in certain cases. The chart trims the labels and appends ellipsis to prevent label overlap.
We wrote a smart axis label panel feature a while back. It'll scale the font or rotate/stagger labels to prevent overlap instead of trimming.Have you tried using that? (xAxis.useSmartAxisLabelPanel = YES) Without the smart axis panel, I think your other option would be to change the date formatting for a shorter string or increase the axis interval for more space between the full, untrimmed labels.
Are you using a CategoryXAxis or a CategoryDateTimeXAxis in your project? I can write up a sample if that will help.
When I turn on smart axis label panel I get this whenever the chart fully loads without items and then adds the first item:
When the smart axis panel is turned on, after the chart first displays the axis panel, the height of the panel gets locked. The idea here is to prevent the axis panel's height from jumping around, which can happen while zooming/panning or if a longer label appears/disappears for whatever reason. If you're loading a chart with no data I can see this being a problem. You'll just get a very short label panel. For a case like this, try using unlockSmartAxisLabelPanel method off your X axis when you get some points in the chart. It will resize the panel based on the labels that are currently in it.
I don't see unlockSmartAxisLabelPanel in the header.
Should be in Axis.h
In IGAxisRight under convertToScreen and convertFromScreen methods
My final implementation that works, looks something like this:
CGFloat zoomScale = fmaxf(0, self.chartView.zoomScale);
CGFloat interval = fmaxf(1, (count / numberOfLabels) / zoomScale);
We are still fighting this issue. Was there a new build we should be using for the fixes you mentioned?
I can try turning off the smart axis panel, but a similar issue happens when the chart fills up with points. Except, I see the "..." - even when zoomed in.
Gif: http://giphy.com/gifs/l3E6DWKGxooe9vfRm
Classes involved,
IGCategoryDatePoint, we use these to preserve the NSDate, which is used later for CSV output. We set the label property via NSDateFormatter.
xAxis looks like...
self.xAxis.useSmartAxisPanel = YES;
self.xAxis.smartAxisAngle = 45;
self.xAxis.smartAxisFontSize = 12;
Do you have a build I can test with?