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SideMenu and Interface Builder / Autolayout

So I'm working on a small project that uses a side menu with just a few options and it seems like if you try to design the view in the Interface Builder and add some constraints the side menu opens but everything stays in place. If you remove the constraints everything slides over like it should so I'm not sure if this is just an issue with trying to use Interface Builder with the components or if it's better to just add all the views in code to the side menus content view (which will also move with the menu when added programmatically). 

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    Hi Sal,

    The IGSideMenuView was created before auto layout was released and may be missing some internal logic to handle the Interface Builder configuration. I highly recommend using the controls programmatically for the best results. If you need any examples created on how to do anything, let me know. I'll also create a backlog item to review this control with Interface Builder usage.

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