(b)Type sudo/usr/sbin/installer -pkg ~/Users/qlxmac1/Downloads/Infragistics_NucliOS_2012.pkg -target/
(c)It will ask for the password.Enter the Systems Password.
(d)Displays "Updating the base folder /" message is displayed.
(e)After that step ,"Successfully Updated" message is displayed.
Problem:Couldn't able to find base folder. i.e IGChart.framework folder in documents
Please help us.
Hello Bhaskar,
We are still following this forum thread.
Please feel free to let us know if you still need assistance with this matter.
To use the motion framework, check out the following help article:
First you'll set the transitionDuration property on the chart to control how long the transition is.
Next you'll update you're actual data source.
Finally, you'll notify the chart of the changes that occurred, so that it can animate them into place for you.
We have samples that demonstrate how to do this. If you open up the SamplesBrowser, and navigate to SamplesBrowser/ Samples/ Chart/ Chart Types/ igCategorySeriesViewController.m. Then go to the refreshRange method, you can see an example of how to notify the chart of your changing data.
Hope this helps,
The product is installed at /Developer/Infragistics/NucliOS 2012
I'm adding one step to the installer to open this folder at the end of the installation process. it should be in the next released build.