Hey - Thanks again for you assistance it's been great.
Anyways, my next task is to allow for new row data entry into the IGGridView. The overall goal is to always have a blank row at the bottom of the grid available for a new data entry to be completed, or if necessary a button to add a new row. I've noticed the EmptyRows property, but that doesn't seem to allow for data entry, it just draws the line. Can this property allow for data entry? If not, then what i've done is add a "Blank Row" to the data set but it's kind of a hack. I've also added a button which would add a blank row to the dataset but then i have to ensure not to "Save" that row if it's not populated and just adds some added baggage that may be avoidable.
It seems like the EmptyRows property would work for what I need but just not sure how to allow for data entry on the EmptyRow. Let me know you thoughts.
I'm glad i've been able to help :)
EmptyRows isn't what you're looking for. Basically thats just a property that fills empty space with blank, non interactive rows, so that you don't have just white space displayed.
For the use case you're describing, i'd derive from the DataSourceHelper you're using, and modify it slightly.
Basically, you'll want to override NumberOfRowsInSection, and return your Data.Count + 1
Then if you override CreateCell, you'll check to see if the rowIndex is equal to your "data entry row". i.e it would be equal to Data.Count. If you detect that, then you can create the cells for that row, but keep their data empty.
Does that make sense?