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Axis Font

How do we adjust the font for the axis. I have a chart that looks ok on the iPad but on the iPhone needs to show smaller font so that the X Axis is formatted better.

The x-Axis is dates (MMM-yy). I tried changing an extent and it makes it a bit better but would need to adjust font size as well to really make it look good. 

  • 48586

    Hello, ­­­­­


    I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance on this  matter?


    Thank you for using Infragistics Components.



  • 26458
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    The chart's theme has control over axis font, so in order to change the font you'll have to create a custom theme. Here's an example of a custom theme. It's a copy of our IG theme. If you don't need series brushes to come from a theme, you don't have to include any of the IGChartPaletteItems; they're just the default series brushes.

    if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
       _chartView.theme = [CustomChartTheme IPhoneTheme];

    @implementation CustomChartTheme

    IGChartThemeDefinition* def = [[IGChartThemeDefinition alloc]init]; = @"IGChartIGTheme";
    def.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:12];
    def.fontColor = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0 andG:0 andB:0 andA:1];
    def.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];

    def.legendFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:12];
    def.legendFontColor = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0 andG:0 andB:0 andA:1];
    def.legendBorderThickness = 1;
    def.legendPalette = [[IGChartPaletteItem alloc]init]; = @"legend";
    def.legendPalette.color = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0.9 andG:0.9 andB:0.9 andA:1];
    def.legendPalette.outlineColor = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0.7 andG:0.7 andB:0.7 andA:1];

    IGChartPaletteItem* item1 = [[IGChartPaletteItem alloc] init]; = @"item1";
    item1.outlineColor = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0.14 andG:0.50 andB:0.66 andA:1];
    item1.color = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0.27 andG:0.67 andB:0.84 andA:1];
    [def.seriesPalettes addObject:item1];

    IGChartPaletteItem* item2 = [[IGChartPaletteItem alloc] init]; = @"item2";
    item2.outlineColor = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0.2 andG:0.2 andB:0.2 andA:1];
    item2.color = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0.29 andG:0.29 andB:0.29 andA:1];
    [def.seriesPalettes addObject:item2];

    IGChartPaletteItem* item3 = [[IGChartPaletteItem alloc] init]; = @"item3";
    item3.outlineColor = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0.5 andG:.5 andB:.5 andA:1];
    item3.color = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:.66 andG:.66 andB:.66 andA:1];
    [def.seriesPalettes addObject:item3];

    IGChartPaletteItem* item4 = [[IGChartPaletteItem alloc] init]; = @"item4";
    item4.outlineColor = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:.09 andG:.32 andB:.44 andA:1];
    item4.color = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:.13 andG:.43 andB:0.6 andA:1];
    [def.seriesPalettes addObject:item4];

    IGChartPaletteItem* item5 = [[IGChartPaletteItem alloc] init]; = @"item5";
    item5.outlineColor = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:.53 andG:.6 andB:.13 andA:1];
    item5.color = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:.64 andG:.73 andB:.16 andA:1];
    [def.seriesPalettes addObject:item5];

    IGChartPaletteItem* axis = [[IGChartPaletteItem alloc] init]; = @"axis";
    axis.outlineColor = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0.60 andG:0.62 andB:0.64 andA:1];
    axis.color = [[IGBrush alloc] initWithR:0.60 andG:0.62 andB:0.64 andA:1];
    def.axisPalette = axis;

    return def;

    Hope this helps you.