Anyone implement a fixed column in an IGGrid when implementing the data source methods themselves?
The examples I've seen of adding a fixed column on the left side of the grid all appear to use the IGGridViewDataSourceHelper. How would I fix a column to the left side if I am implementing the data source methods myself and not using the helper?
As a quick test, I tried just implementing numberOfFixedLeftColumnsInGridView (returning 1) and widthForFixedLeftColumnAtIndex (returning a width), but they are never called even though I have the delegate set and my other data source methods are called fine, ex: numberOfRowsInSection, cellAt, titleForHeaderInSection, numberOfColumnsInGridView, etc...
Glad I could help!
Just out of curiosity, is there a reason you're not using the DataSourceHelpers?
Were you running into issues, or is it that your data structured in a way that it was too much of a headache?
Its worth noting that the DataSourceHelpers are simply objects that implement the IGGridViewDataSource protocol, so you can always extend them and override additional protocol methods.
Thanks. That helped a bunch.
After also implementing widthForFixedLeftColumnAtIndex and fixedLeftHeaderCellAt, and figuring out that numberOfColumnsInGridView should be the number of "non-fixed" columns, it works great!
Hi Jeff,
You just need to implement:
-(NSInteger)numberOfFixedLeftColumnsInGridView:(IGGridView *)gridView
-(IGGridViewCell *)gridView:(IGGridView *)gridView fixedLeftCellAt:(IGCellPath *)path
I've attached a sample that shows this working.