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Treemap Strange View

I have a treemap control that is pretty basic structure but displays strange blank area on top of the chart. 

I am using the following C# code. 

            _treemapView = new IGTreemapView ();

            _treemapView.Theme = new IGTreemapViewTheme3 ();
            _treemapView.Frame = new RectangleF (0, 100, 768, 600);
            _treemapViewDataSourceHelper = new IGTreemapViewDataSourceHelper (_data, _treemapView);
            _treemapViewDataSourceHelper.AddLevel ("Value", "Strategy", "Children");
            _treemapViewDataSourceHelper.AddLevel ("Value", "Fund", String.Empty);
            _treemapView.DataSource = _treemapViewDataSourceHelper;
            _treemapView.RootNode.Label = "Portfolio";
            this.View.Add (_treemapView);

The data class is:

    public class TreemapData : NSObject
        [Export ("Value")]
        public float Value { get; set; }

        [Export ("Strategy")]
        public string Strategy { get; set; }

        [Export ("Fund")]
        public string Fund { get; set; }

        [Export ("Children")]
        public NSMutableArray Children { get; set; }

Can someone suggest how to get rid of that too blank area.

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  • 29045
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Aleksandr,

    This behavior has been addressed in the latest service release. This service release is now available under your account at the Infragistics Website. To download the service release, log in to ‘Account’ and select ‘Keys & Downloads’. Select the appropriate tab for this product; then the license key. The available service releases (Hot Fixes) should now be listed on the page.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.

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