i found an image "What's_New_in_2013_Volume_2_3.png" in the 2014.1 Documents/images folder. It shows a bubble chart with text (for e.g. {75, 20})inside the bubbles. How can i adress this value for each bubble?
I want to write the value (radius) of each bubble into it.
Thanks in advance,
Hello Dave,
i have done a small sample but it works. So i took the sample and pimped it up step by step with all the other stuff. Curiously it is still ok....
Hello Johann,
Thank you for your response.
Please provide a sample project showing what you have attempted so far. This way I can look at it, make any modifications that are necessary, and send it back.
i wrote down the code but it was not called inside the delegate. Is there a property like "IsCustomCategoryStyleAllowed" or something else i have to set for each series as i did it for my waterfall chart.
Try adding the following selector to your code.
-(UIView *)chartView:(IGChartView *)chartView viewForLegendItemInSeries:(IGSeries *)series{ UIView *legendIcon = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 10, 10)]; legendIcon.backgroundColor = [series.actualBrush getUIColor]; legendIcon.layer.cornerRadius = 5; return legendIcon;}
Please let me know if you have any other questions about this.
-(UIView *)chartView:(IGChartView *)chartView viewForLegendItemInSeries:(IGSeries *)series
UIView *legendIcon = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 10, 10)];
legendIcon.backgroundColor = [series.actualBrush getUIColor];
legendIcon.layer.cornerRadius = 5;
return legendIcon;
thanks for helping me. It's curios if i add "public override UIView ResolveMarkerView.... which generates good looking labels inside the bubbles. But the small bubbles near the text of the legends are now no more visible. Is there any reason/option for that?