Hello again,
i have done a RadialLine chart with more series. But it looks like if every series prints his own radiusAxis (labels).
radiusAxis.LabelsLocation = IGAxisLabelsLocation.IGAxisLabelsLocationInsideRight;
radialSeriesArray[0] = new IGRadialLineSeries("series0");
radialSeriesArray[0].ValueAxis = radiusAxis;
radialSeriesArray[0].AngleAxis = angleAxis;
radialSeriesArray[0].DataSource = sourceHelperArray[0];
radialSeriesArray[1] = new IGRadialLineSeries("series1");
radialSeriesArray[1].ValueAxis = radiusAxis;
radialSeriesArray[1].DataSource = sourceHelperArray[1];
How can i prevent the chart from doing more than one radial axes? It should use only one/some axis for all series.
Hi Johann,
Thank you for the reply.
This issue is logged in our internal issue tracking system with ID of 180782 and I have created a private case for you - CAS-143309-V0J3S5. This way you will be notified as soon as the issue is resolved.
You can view your active cases from the following link:
as a workaround i did nearly the same. But if you have a solution within the IGChart-Controlls so let me know.
Thanks, Johann
OK I will pass this on to our Chart team but I think I have a programmatic solution.
It appears that the interval is adding circle which is really close to a line being produced for the .Maximum value.
So my suggestion at this time would be to set your maximum and interval values to (for lack of a better term) sympathetic values.
So rather than setting your calculated 10.23 round it up to 12 and set up .interval to 4 (for example).
Hello Darrell,
i found the error. I calculate the maximum for the radiusAxis (e.g. 107.54). If you change the following line in your sample to
radiusAxis.Maximum = 10.23f;
you can see it too.
thanks - Johann
Hey Johann,
One of our DS Engineers made a sample trying this out. I modded it up some. I don't see the behavior you are seeing. If you are still having this issue could you modify this sample to show how you are seeing the behavior?