Hello again,
i have a chart with both ColumnSeries and a LineSeries. The LineSeries is always behind the ColumnSeries. How can i put the Line in front of the Columns?
I tried to change the order of the chart.AddSeries() but nothing changed.
Hi Johann,
This sounds familiar, but I'm certain that it was fixed a while ago. The order the series are added to the chart determines the order they are rendered.What's the chart framework's build number?Can you try this code and see if you're still seeing the problem:
using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;using Infragistics;NSNumber[] data = { new NSNumber (4), new NSNumber (0), new NSNumber (4) }; _dsh = new IGCategorySeriesDataSourceHelper (data); _chartView = new IGChartView (this.View.Frame); IGSeries s1 = _chartView.AddSeries(new Class("IGColumnSeries"), "series", _dsh, "x", "y"); IGSeries s2 = _chartView.AddSeries(new Class("IGLineSeries"), "series2", _dsh, "x", "y"); s2.Thickness = 5; this.View.AddSubview (_chartView);
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance on this issue?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.