The particularly tricky part I'm concerned about is the 3rd section shown in blue outline below.
That section needs to be able to swipe left and right, populating a grid for each swipe (left/right).
Can I put a GridView inside a ScrollView inside a GridView cell?
Can I expect decent performance?
The IGGridView will reuse cells. So in the case of the fiipboard type sample, at most there are only 3 cells ever created, (it might even only be 2). So yea, 1000 items is essentially the same as 10.
Hmmm, that's interesting. Good point.
So that makes me wonder, is it possible to have the "Doohickeys" in a GridView that acts like a flipboard.. which would still give a cool animated effect, but without the scrolling aspect?
Can you flip through a hundred items just as performant as ten items?
I'm assuming the recycling is taking place behind the scenes.
Hi David,
Sure you can do that. We actually nest grid Viiews throughout the samples browser.
I even wrote a blog post that does this :
One thing i would change is to use another GridView in place of your scrollView. The reason i suggest this, is that way the nested grids are virtualized. If you use a scrollView, then all of those grids will get loaded at once.