You can check the UltraDockManager.ActivePane property. That will return a DockableControlPane. I don't think there is a public way to get directly to the DockableWindow which contains the pane, but you can get it's Control property and then get that control's Parent property:
DockableControlPane pane = this.ultraDockManager1.ActivePane;
if ( pane != null ){ DockableWindow activeDockableWindow = pane.Control.Parent as DockableWindow;
if ( activeDockableWindow != null ) { // ... }}
My client just purchased every possible license.
I can't find a sample for the docking manager. I have all the sources for ultrawinXYZ, but no project for the docking sample.
The install for NA for winforms threw up an error from the browser saying 'cannot find ....\samples\...'
I've wasted way too much time... so I thought I'd post this. Now what?
jwinkler2083233 said:The install for NA for winforms threw up an error from the browser saying 'cannot find ....\samples\...'
I would recommend submitting this issue to the support group: