Is there a simple way to load and save basic column info such as position, size, and sort based on the key, without saving other column data such as its max and min values?
I looked into the DisplayLayout's Save method, but it is not 100% clear to me what is being saved and each option seems like it is saving significantly more info than desired, making it difficult to update that info in the code and prevent the client's "Layout" information from reverting that.
Any insight on this would be appreciated.Thank you.
Thank you for the reply.
Each public property, which can be set by the user and has a value different than its default one is saved. So if you or the end user have changed some property and this property is under the categories passed to the Save method, this property will be serialized.
Hopefully this makes things clear. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
The only thing I found a little confusing was whether it was saving all the properties under each collection or if certain things were excluded. I thought perhaps only the properties marked for serialization would be saved, but it does not seem to be easy to track all of those down to discover everything being included. - Am I missing something?
Anyway, thank you for the clarification and the sample project.I appreciate your assistance.
Thank you for posting in our forums.
You can view what the PropertyCategories from the save method mean by following this link:
As for saving just the settings you have mentioned, we don’t have this functionality built-in. If you want to save just these setting and nothing else you will need to create a custom implementation for it. Please see the attached sample which demonstrates one possible approach to do this.
Please let me know if you have any additional question.