I have tried setting the MaskInput to yyyy (four-digit year) in the UltraDateTimeEditor, but it does not seem to work. It does work to set the MaskInput to mm/yyyy, but I want our users just to see/edit the year. The control correctly displays 2008 for the year, but when I click on it to edit the value it just displays yyyy!
I recently came across the same problem.
I am using a UltraDateTimeEditor and I would like to allow users to input various date formats (full date, month and year, year only).
The InputMask "mm.yyyy" for the second case works perfectly but unfortunately not "yyyy" for the third case.
Is there any possibility to use such a mask?
If not, what would be the best solution while still using the UltraDateTimeEditor?
Since a MaskInput of mm/yyyy works in the UltraDateTimeEditor, I guess I thought that yyyy would also work. We were trying to use yyyy to represent Jan 1 of the year entered by the user. I will probably use the UltraNumericEditor instead, that's the workaround we had come up with as well.
I don't think this is supported. You can't have just a year without any other information about the date. If you are only storing a year, why use a DateTimeEditor? Why not just use an UltraNumericEditor with a mask of "nnnn"?