If you pass control as argument of a ShowToolTip method, then tooltip will be positioned based on the location of the control. So if you need precision to position your tooltip, you should use foolowing overload which accept point as tooltip location as second argument.
so for a point parameter you could pass current mouse position (in the context of your code snipped it should be something like New Point(se.MouseState.X, se.MouseState.Y))
Please let me know If you have any further questions.
Sorry about the formating, please ignore the above post
Hi, I am using ultragrid and have made a user control using it.
Now on MouseMove event i am trying to detect the Column Header to diplay tool tip only for that particular column. The tool tip is getting displayed only at the top/bottom corner of the header and never at the center.
I want it to be displayed whenever is the mouse cursor is on that perticular column header.
Written following line of code :
ultrDroppableHelpToolTipInfo = New UltraToolTipInfo("", ToolTipImage.Custom, "", DefaultableBoolean.True)
ultrDroppableToolTipManager.SetUltraToolTip(dgLog, ultrDroppableHelpToolTipInfo)
Private Sub dglog_MouseMove(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal se As UltraGridSmartEventArgs)
Dim colHeader As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnHeader
Dim aUIElement As Infragistics.Win.UIElement = dgLog.GridDisplayLayout.UIElement.ElementFromPoint(New Point(se.MouseState.X, se.MouseState.Y))
If Not IsNothing(aUIElement) Then colHeader = aUIElement.GetContext(GetType(Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnHeader))
If Not IsNothing(colHeader) Then
If colHeader.Column.Key = "droppable_ind" Then
End If
End Sub