Hi All, not sure why but when i paste the value of the cell it includes the column name. How can i turn that off to only have the value?
i'm doing this on a ctrl+c in the KeyUp event.
if (e.Control == true && e.KeyCode == Keys.C) { this.gridAllocated.PerformAction(UltraGridAction.Copy); }
Is there any way to differentiate between copy and copy with headers depending on the scenario? For example, I may want my custom context menu to have both options. Or to have the default copy without headers for a single cell, and copy with headers for multicell. In order to accomplish this, I would need a "CopyWithHeaders" option in the UltraGridAction Enum. Is there some other way to go about this?
Perfect! Your welcome.
That worked , thanks Michael.
Hello Al,
The grid supports turning on Clipboard Operations which includes CopyWithHeaders, which you need to have turn off by setting the AllowMultiCellOperation to 'Copy'. Pressing 'Ctrl + C' should then work as expected.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.