Hi All, not sure why but when i paste the value of the cell it includes the column name. How can i turn that off to only have the value?
i'm doing this on a ctrl+c in the KeyUp event.
if (e.Control == true && e.KeyCode == Keys.C) { this.gridAllocated.PerformAction(UltraGridAction.Copy); }
Hello Al,
The grid supports turning on Clipboard Operations which includes CopyWithHeaders, which you need to have turn off by setting the AllowMultiCellOperation to 'Copy'. Pressing 'Ctrl + C' should then work as expected.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Is there any way to differentiate between copy and copy with headers depending on the scenario? For example, I may want my custom context menu to have both options. Or to have the default copy without headers for a single cell, and copy with headers for multicell. In order to accomplish this, I would need a "CopyWithHeaders" option in the UltraGridAction Enum. Is there some other way to go about this?