I am using an ultraTabControl with some ultraButtons. Whenever a control has focus, there is a dashed rectangle that goes around it. So, for instance, when I first launch the application, the first tab is selected, and it has that dashed rectangle around the text. If I click the second tab, the dashed rectangle goes around the text for tab 2. If I click on a button on the tab, the dashed rectangle goes away from the tab control, but then appears on the button. I'm guessing that it is doing this to show the user what control currently has focus. I don't want that, is there any way to get rid of it? I've played with a lot of the appearences but cannot seem to find the right one! Any help is greatly appreciated !!
HI gshultas
When I used the Tabcontrol I face The Same Issue SO i Share Soluation of that please Visit That Soluation Hope It Will Be Helpful To You
Ahmad Khalid
Software Engineer
The following article explains how to do this: http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.Aspx?ArticleID=4791
I too was looking for a way to do this.Anyone know?