the loading of the fonts take some time if it's opened the first time.
Is there a possibility to preload fonts into the fontlist tool?
Hi Michael,
Thank you for posting in our forums.
I am afraid that there isn’t a way to do that. The FontTool always loads it fonts lazily, meaning that it won’t do it unless you drop it down. The biggest performance hit that the FontTool takes is when it creates the actual fonts, which are displayed in the FontTool’s dropdown. This happens inside the dropdown method of the FontTool editor and you can’t drop down the FontTool unless it is shown on the screen and it is in edit mode. Creating all the fonts on your system takes some time, which is expected, and this is what causes the slight delay on the initial dropdown. You can log a new product idea from our product ideas site (http://ideas.infragistics.com) to add a property of the FontTool that specifies whether the FontTool should load its fonts lazily or when it is created.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.