Does Infragistics, have a control similar to windows table panel layout ? I should be able to add rows and columns to it ?
Hello Manju00,
I think that the 'WinGridBagLayoutPanel' could suit your needs. You could read about it at the following link:
Also there is a sample showing the features of the 'WinGridBagLayoutPanel' in our 'Windows Forms Feature Browser'.
If you have this installed(if you have marked 'Samples' when installing Net Advantage), you could run it from 'Start Menu' -> 'All Programs' -> 'Infragistics' -> 'Windows Forms' -> 'Samples' -> 'Samples (local)'.
When it loads, please navigate to the 'UX Enhancers' tab and then 'Launch' the 'WinGridBagLayoutPanel' sample. Or you can type in the 'Search:' "'WinGridBagLayoutPanel'".