is there a way to set a custom column order in the UltraGridColumnChooser?
We want to show the original display layout (which we backup before applying a new one).
Thank you for the reply.
The column chooser grid and the source grid synchronize their appearances. The only way to change this is to use the DrawFilter interface. You can see more information about this interface in the following link:
I have modified Ivo’s sample in order to demonstrate this approach.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Any updates?
Best would be an example showing how to set the appearance of the columnchoosercontrol (i do not use the buildin-dialog) different from it sourcegrid (e.g. changin the background of the cellheaders)
Hi Ivaylo,
I only want to change the appearance of the UltraGridColumnChooser control:
However if want to override the displaylayout like overriding for a UltraGrid, the count of the columns is 0:
foreach (UltraGridColumn c in _columnChooser.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns) { c.Header.Appearance.BackColor = Color.White; }
Can you please provide a sample for this?!
The UltraGrid which is the SourceGrid of the UltraGridColumnChooser should have a different layout.
Hi Michael,
In order to set UltraGrid column headers and cells appearances at the code behind programmatically, please take a look at the following tutorials:
Change Color of Column Headers in UltraGrid: Revision #2
Changing the Appearance of WinGrid Columns
Changing the Appearance of WinGrid Cells
I have one more question:
How to change the style for the gridcecolumnheaders & gridcells seperated from the source grid.
If this cannot be done by stylist, how to override the appearance?