I have a situation in code where there is a column in grid whose DataType is set to DateTime. Now I only have to display the Date Part in the format "dd/MM/yyyy" for which I have set the column style to DateWithOutDropDown as I don't have to display the Dropdown calendar control. I did so in the grid's Initialize Layout event by checking the Column's Data Type. Further for your information I didn't set the MastInput for the column.
Now the cell editor in edit mode displays the masking like "__/__/____". My problem is that I want to hide this editor masking and need to display only the plain text editor where the user could enter the date in any format of his/her choice.
Due Regards,
Talha Muhammad
The following properties on the columns have to be set in the Iniotialize Layout
1) e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["Date"].Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.Date;
This line makes sure that only the date part is shown.
2) e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["Date"].ButtonDisplayStyle = ButtonDisplayStyle.OnCellActivate;
this line makes sure that the calendar button is displayed only on cell activate.
Hi Evan,
UltraCalendarCombo is an editor control. So you can assign the EditorControl property of the grid column to an UltraCalendarCombo control.
I also have this problem with the datagrid.
My users want the grid calendar combo control to offer them the same functionality as the ultra calendar combo.
Not everything mind you, but I feel silly telling them "due to technical limitations of the framework we can't enable you to have a calendar combo in the grid that accepts 'sep 17, 2008' as input".
Is there perhaps a method of providing this functionality without resorting to an actual UltraCalendarCombo on the form?
Hi Talha,
If you need the field to be editable by the user and you do not want a mask, then you will need to use a different editor for the column. Try putting an UltraCalendarCombo on the form and set the column's EditorControl to the UltraCalendarCombo.