Dear Infragistics team,
I'll hope yo can helpme with the next question:
1)You have a sample but with silverlight on your website ( Do you have a sample on for windows forms with that sample? **** please, can you helpme?
Pedro Salvador
Hi Pedro,
While we do not have that exact sample for Windows Forms, I believe it is possible to do every part in Windows forms, except currently for the bottom ZoomBar. The primary chart portion is essentially just the UltraDataChart. The installed samples browser does demonstrate much of the functionality in parts. There is the ItemToolTipLayer, and CrosshairLayer which handles the data annotations that follow the mouse, the Area chart and how to bind to different parts of the data are also demonstrated. Each of those samples are in both VB as well as C#.
Let me know if there was some specific that you needed help with,
Dear Michael,
Thankyou for answer me, i wanna specific help with this two questions, i think is related withCrosshairLayer which handles the data annotations that follow the mouse:
1) I wanna resize the markers on the scatter lines series (in the ultradatachart i wanna make bigger makers)
2) I wanna highlight the points inside the chart with movement mouse event (when the crosshair lines pass throught the points chart, the point chart hightlight).
Please Michael, can you helpme on sample?. I really appreciate your help.
At this time unfortunately there is no way to change the size of the markers in Windows Forms UltraDataChart. I would recommend suggesting that on our product ideas page . By voting for it, you will get notified when we implement it.
You mention specifically ScatterLine series, and then mention the Crosshair layer. The Crosshair layer shouldn't work with a Scatter based series primarily because you can have two values on the same axis value. Like X =2, y = 10, x = 5, y = 3. Which one would it highlight?
Now with a line series, you can enable the markers by setting the MarkerType, then enable highlighting via the IsHighlightingEnabled property on the series that you want highlighted. The attached sample demonstrates that as well as hooking up a PropertyGrid control to chart, series and axes as they are created so that you can explore the property settings.