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UltraWinGrid: SortedColumns do not save the SortIndicator

I save the sorted columns of ultrawingrid, and later i load it back. It's all ok, but when i sort a column descending, it do not work.

For Save i use:

Dim ms2 As New MemoryStream()

ugr.DisplayLayout.Save(ms2, PropertyCategories.SortedColumns)
Dim SortArray() As Byte
SortArray = ms2.ToArray()

For load:

  Dim MS2 As New IO.MemoryStream(SortArray)
  MS2.Seek(0, IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
  Me.ugr.DisplayLayout.Load(MS2, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.PropertyCategories.SortedColumns)

Is there a own PropertyCategorie or what i have to do, to get it work?