I am using the Infragistics Excel class to create an Excel document and attach to an email.
I would like to add subtotals (in Excel accessed though the Data tab) by passing in the column for "At each Change In", a formula (sum, average, etc), and a list of columns to subtotal on). Does Infragistics have this feature?
I would also like to know about creating Pivot tables - is that supported in this Excel class?
Thank you
Hello Katie,While the Subtotal dialog is not currently a built in feature to our Excel Engine, we believe that emulating its behavior is possible. I will be researching further into Subtotal and working on a sample to demonstrate how you can do this in your application.Please let me know if I can assist you further.
Please view image of Excel Subtotal Window.
I need to be able to replicate this action on an Excel file I am creating with the Excel Class.
Thank you. I will submit the idea for pivot table creation.
Can you please direct me to where I can find documentation on how to add subtotals to an entire worksheet?
I only found how I can specify specific cells and input a formula into those cells.
What I need to be able to do is as Excel has where you can pass in which column to group by, which formula to use for the subtotals (average, sum, etc) and then specify a list of column(s) to apply the subtotal to.
Thank you.
Hello Katie,
We do support defining formulae for a column.
Pivot table creation is not supported and is a new product idea. You can suggest new product ideas for future versions (or vote for existing ones) at <http://ideas.infragistics.com>.
Submitting your idea will allow you to communicate directly with our product management team, track the progress of your idea at any time, see how many votes it got, read comments from other developers in the community, and see if someone from the product team has additional questions for you.
Remember when submitting your idea to explain the context in which a feature would be used and why it is needed as well as anything that would prevent you from accomplishing this today. You can even add screenshots to build a stronger case. Remember that for your suggestion to be successful, you need other members of the community to vote for it. You can also link back to this thread for additional details.
Thank you in advance to submitting your product idea.