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WinGrid Performance Issue when Highlighting the whole Grid.

WinGrid performance issue has been found when highlighting the whole WinGrid.

I have attached a sample project to show the performance issue.

This grid in the sample project has 100 columns and 500,000 rows

Using CellDataRequested, all of 500,000 rows are filled with data. I attempted to click the first cell of the first row, pressed Shift key, and clicked the last cell of the last row in order to select the whole Grid.

Then, it freezes and takes up a lot of memory.

Is there any way to do this operation quickly without wasting a lot of memory?

Any help or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
  • 960
    Offline posted

    Hello hedgehog0213,

    I am just checking if you require any further assistance on the matter.

    Best regards,
    Developer Support Engineer

  • 960
    Offline posted

    Hello hedgehog0213,

    After investigating this issue and doing some research, we have decided that this is not a bug.

    When all cells are selected, all cells have to be created and loaded. As the grid has 100 columns * 500,000 rows, creating and loading all cells means that it requires a large amout of memory. That's why the application freezes and consumes a lot of memory.

    We recommend you to have the second thought to having such a huge grid because even if the grid got back, there would be no way to make the grid performant enough in every user scenario.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Best regards,
    Developer Support Engineer

  • 960
    Offline posted

    Hello hedgehog0213,

    I've reported this issue to our development team and asked them to investigate it. Its ID in our internal tracking system is ID 223880.
    And also, your support case number for this issue is CAS-176423-X2B3S8 and I linked it to the tracking system so that you can track its progress in your account in the 'Support Activity' page.

    If this issue is our product's bug, you'll be notified by e-mail when the bug is fixed and available for download.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Best regards,
    Developer Support Engineer