i have a Datatable with a column of Bytes.In order to avoid storing images in the Database every Byte stands for a single image from the resource.
The Table is bound as DataSource:
ugrdSender.DataSource = senderDataSet;
The Column of Bytes should be replaced with the recording image of the recource:
newRowBase["Online"] =Properties.Resources.S32gn;
But this can't work, as the data is bytes an not an image.
How to replace the bytes in the column with an image in the grid?
thanks for every idea ..;-)
Thanks a lot for the example.
It was a little bit tricky as my grid has two childbands.
So i had to check the Row.Band.Key bevor setting the image.
But now it works fine.
thanks again for this quick and simple solution ;-)
Hi Torsten,
You can accomplish this by using an unbound column. Hide your byte column and set the image of the unbound column based on the value in the hidden byte column. I've attached a sample project that demonstrates this.
Please let me know if you have any questions.