In my application, I have an UltraTabControl with 3 tabs: an UltraDayView, an UltraMonthViewSingle and an UltreTimeLineView. They all use a common UltraCalendarInfo object. In this object, I modified the days of the week and months of the year names to have them in french. It works fine with the UltraDayView and the UltraMonthViewSingle controls, but the UltraTimeLineView seems to ignore them although other UltraCalendarInfo elements are taken into account as expected. Is there a special setting I have to do to make it work? If not, is there a way around?
I am working with the UltraTimeLineView of the WinForms library v14.2.
Thank you
Thank you. This provides an excellent solution to my problem. You mayclose the case.
Hi Real,
We have investigated this further and this seems to be expected behavior. LongDescription and ShortDescription properties are not supposed to affect the TimeLine headers. They are for cases where the control displays the names by itself. The headers of the TimeLineView format a particular DateTime. To format the headers you may handle ColumnHeaderInitializing event. In this event you can set the header text like this:
private CultureInfo fr = new CultureInfo("fr-FR"); private void UltraTimelineView1_ColumnHeaderInitializing(object sender, ColumnHeaderInitializingEventArgs e){ e.Text = e.DateTimeRange.StartDateTime.ToString("dddd, MMMM d, yyyy", this.fr);}
private void UltraTimelineView1_ColumnHeaderInitializing(object sender, ColumnHeaderInitializingEventArgs e){ e.Text = e.DateTimeRange.StartDateTime.ToString("dddd, MMMM d, yyyy", this.fr);}
Attached is a small sample project showing how you can format header's text by the help of this event.
Please let me know if any additional questions arise.
I have investigated this further and you are correct. There is inconsistency in UltraSchedule controls. While UltraDayView and UltraMonthViewSingle consider the LongDescription and ShortDescription of DaysOfWeek and MonthsOfYear as you set them in UltraCalendarInfo, UltraTimeLineView does not take into account these settings. I have asked our engineering staff to examine this further. To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of #226081. So I’ve created a case for you CAS-177286-M9Y0X3 and will update you for the progress of this issue via the mentioned case. You could reach your case following the link below:
In the mean time you may try to set / reset the UI culture in Activated / Deactivate events of your form. However, I do not know what your application logic is, so cannot tell you where is the best place to set / reset the UI culture is.
In the CalendarInfo, there are properties called "DaysOfWeek" and "MonthsOfYear". These properties allow us to change the names for days and months. When I associate the CalendarInfo with an UltraDayView or a UltraMonthViewSingle thay are taken into account just fine. Not so with the UltraTimeLineView which seems to completely ignore them.
This seems to me like an inconsistency.
Reading back to your first post, how were you changing the days of week and other strings without changing the culture?