what do I have to do to get the following on a Windows forms Gantt chart
Lets say task 1 has 10 Time Entries
Entry one of task 1 is Color Blue, entry 2 is color red etc...
I tried this on creating the timeentry, but it draws all time entries in the same color.
DataRow[] drs = dr.GetChildRows("Machine Data"); int lastid = -1; GanttItem task1 = series.Items.Add(dr["Machine"].ToString()); task1.PE.Fill = Color.Black; //bool first = true; foreach (DataRow drChild in drs) { DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(drChild["StartTime"].ToString()); DateTime end = DateTime.Parse(drChild["EndTime"].ToString()); GanttTimeEntry te = new GanttTimeEntry(start, end, int.Parse(drChild["ID"].ToString()), lastid, "", 100); te.PE.ElementType = PaintElementType.SolidFill; string text = drChild["Text"].ToString(); if (text.Contains("waiting for data")) te.PE.Fill = Color.DarkMagenta; else if (text.Contains("waiting for cylinder")) te.PE.Fill = Color.Magenta; else if (text.Contains("process running")) te.PE.Fill = Color.Green; else if (text.Contains("process finish")) te.PE.Fill = Color.Honeydew; else if (text.Contains("machine inspection")) te.PE.Fill = Color.Orange; else if (text.Contains("error")) te.PE.Fill = Color.Red; te.Owner = text; task1.Times.Add(te); }
Can anyone supply a small example ?
Many Thanks
Hi Michael,
Is everything working as you are intending it too or do you still need a sample?
RegardsAri Shaposhnik
It works. The code above is okay.
for some reasons it did not draw correctly