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How to keep a child WorksheetRow Expanded when exporting data from multiple band UltraGrid to Excel


Is there a way to keep a child WorksheetRow expanded but its parent is not expanded when data are exported to Excel?

I attached an image to show what I would like to achieve.

  • Figure 1 shows the expected data in Excel when row 1, 2 and 3 are expanded originally in UltraGrid.
  • Figure 2 shows the expected data in Excel after row 1 is collapsed in UltraGrid; and data will become as shown as in Figure 1 if row 1 is expanded in Excel.
  • Figure 3 show the unexpected data in Excel after row 1 is collapsed in UltraGrid.

Row 1 in the root band is collapsed, the child row 2 and row 3 in two different child bands are expanded.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,