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cross band cell merging

I need a feature I think is very useful: to allow cell merging cross band. As in the jpg, two situations are given:

In the 1st situation (image 1 and 2, ViewStyleBand is Vertical). Of course, you need a large indentation to avoid the merged cells overlapping cells in band below.

It is more sound in 2nd situation (image 3 and 4, ViewStyleBand is Horizental), since there is no chance that the cross band merged cells overlap others.

Thank you.

  • 4625
    Offline posted


    Thank you for the idea!

    We are going to consider it as primarily we go through each idea at where you can submit any kind of idea that pop up in your mind. The most votes it generate the most it is with higher priority for the team and considerable to be implemented. Keep in mind that we reserve the last word about which idea worth spending time and how that might affect our source code.

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