How can I disable the flyout animation when unpinning docked panes?
I just call the Unpin() method of the pane, on initialization of the dock manager, the UnpinnedTabHoverAction is set to 'UnpinnedTabHoverAction.None'.
But the flyout animation is still in place, did I miss something?
Also tried to call FlyOut(false) on the pane, but had no effect.
In order to get the effect you want, you should first set the AnimationEnabled property on the UltraDockManager to false. This can be done once at the start of the application. Next, call UnPin on the pane in order to unpin it. Finally, call the FlyIn method to immediately hide the pane. Note that the FlyIn method is directly on the UltraDockManager and you do not need to pass in a pane -- it will simply hide whatever pane is currently in the FlyOut state.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I checked the WPF version:
I need exactly the equivalent-property, which in WPF is called FlyoutAnimation = None