There is a lot of Flickering in the Ultrawinexplorer bar that I am using. In the Ultraexplorer bar I have added another explorer bar and inside that I have a container control. Within the container control I have added two Winforms controls. Whenever there is a mouse over on the explorer bar there is a lot of flickering. Can you please suggest something to remove the flickering.
Please set double buffering property to true and also use SuspendLayout property before drawing controls and then user ResumeLayout properly after drawing controls.
I had a similar problem.
Upon the "Group Expanding" event, I was adding a user control dynamically to display within the group, but there was a flickering effect whenever this occurred. Originally, I tried to resolve this by setting the UltraExplorerBar's AnimationEnabled property to false, which helped some, but not entirely. After some research, I was able to resolve this by adding a few lines of code to the user control I was adding after the call to the InitializeComponent method --
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
this.SetStyle(OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
This will activate double buffering, so that the control won't be painted until it is ready to be displayed. This will reduce/remove the appearance of flickering.
Were you able to get a resolution for this?
I see the same issues on Infragistics 9.1 too.